Abe's Tarot Cards

Grendel's Coffee House Presents: Abe Nelson's "The Tarot" (major arcana) On: September 1st At: six-o-clock pm Located at: 729 E. Burnside Portland, OR 97214 ...or maybe you already knew that.


Well, if you weren't able to make it, the event at Grendel's Coffee Shop on Friday went well. Not only did I have a wonderful time, but most of you came up and told me that you were enjoying it, which is what truly made it a success.
In this show I really focused hard on the idea that if I made everything I did with 100% love, honesty and passion that that love, honesty and passion would be recipricated back... (In weeks before the show I was VERY concerned about this and that this "idea" of mine was too far-fetched in todays socitey...people wouldn't feel what I was giving them they would only see the surface of it all and all the heart I vested into this would be lost.) What I got in return I wasin't prepared for. Now looking back I can only describe it as a cannon blast of Karma...a force exploding back all that I packed into it. I dont even know what held me up through it and often felt like falling to my knees, weeping. It acually hit me so hard that by the end of the night I was angery at myself, thinking "What did you really expect?"
I guess what I'm trying to say out of all this is thank you all. ...THANK YOU
If you didin't make it on Friday it will be up all this month so go down and check it out. you can still order the decks and t-shirts...and I think a couple of paintings are still available. I'll have ordering info up here by the end of the month, if you want to order on-line.
I also really want to take time out to thank the people who was there through everything and really helped this show get off the ground. No man is an island and that applys double when you put a show like this together. (this is starting to sound like the back of a rap album...but really, I mean it.)
ERIC-Thank you for the space...and your MEAN bagle sandwhiches and coffee.
JODI- If you dont already know this all was really Jodi's show. she gave alot of her time energy money and concern (way more then she needed to)...Jodi MADE this show...I was just the dancing monkey at it.
CAROL and FAITH- The "WOO WOO'S" Who both did Tarot readings for the show. Carol also did my first reading that night and has been always in the back of my mind while drawing and carving. Blessings upon you both.
ADAM- Designer extrodinare! For doing my flyers...they were AWESOME!!!better then anything I could of ever done...thank you, thank you, thank you!
RAE- for letting me use her extra papercutter and corner rounder when I was going NUTS cutting them all out by hand.I will say nothing bad about Scrapbookers again.
FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU- I just always wanted to say that :)
I know I said I'd have THE FOOL POST today but I have ALOT of orders to fill and I want to get on those first...I'll try for tonight...by noon tomorrow for sure...thanks for understanding...


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